Fishing in Málaga – Season 2021

One more year we have everything ready for fishing in Malaga, new season 2018 on our boat Luna.

We use the best fishing threads that the world’s largest and highest quality brands provide us with. For fishing in height, we use the Jinkay and Momoy brands. For bottom fishing we work with these same brands but in different thicknesses.

For the fishing of Tuna, Marlin and Dorados, we use the diameters from 0.80 to 2.00 mm.

For bottom fishing in this area we use from 0.40 in the reeds to 0.60 in the low ones. In Marbella, Málaga, we have very rocky bottoms and with these diameters we avoid breaking many times with the rubbing of stones and corals. On our website you can see videos of the threads as they behave, leaving the reels.

We also manufacture our own fishing lines for bottom fishing, a task that takes many hours but we know well from years of experience. We make our weights of different weights depending on the funds we are going to fish.

Here in this area we fish from 18 meters deep, up to 240 meters to what we call the big bottoms.

We use weights of 80 grams up to 750 grams and sometimes 1 kilo, all depending on the currents.

It must be said that in Marbella there are times that we do not get to the bottom because of the currents that are so great that they come from the Strait of Gibraltar. Sometimes we have tides of up to 3 knots of speed.

On the subject of hooks we try to choose the best quality hooks. The Owner brand is a good manufacturer that does not skimp on quality, and the price is good. There are also other brands that comply with the guarantee of giving a good quality, such as Mustad.

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